I'm posting it because my sweet, 96-year old grandma LaRue passed away tonight. This picture was taken just two weeks ago, but a week later, she fell, hit her head and broke her hip and it is what finally "helped" her pass on to the other side. Up until then, she was healthier than anyone I knew. Anyone.
I'm happy she's finally getting to be reunited with my Grandpa, who took a walk 20 years ago and hasn't been seen from since. She'll finally get to learn what happened to him. The rest of us will have to wait until it's our turn.
We are having a double funeral/memorial for Grandma and Grandpa LaRue. I can't wait to be able to celebrate their lives and relive memories of them with the rest of my family.
In the mean time, I'm sad that I won't get to see her again on this earth, but oh so happy she's no longer in pain and has moved on to her eternal life and companion.
Love you Grandma.