This may be stretching but...
In the first season (which I finished last night), one of the characters talks about a caterpillar that turns into a moth. Not a butterfly but a moth. He said the butterflies are much prettier than the moths, but the moths' cocoon's are tougher and made out of silk and are harder to break out of.

He said he could very easily help that moth along by widening the hold in the cocoon, which would ease the moth's struggle of getting out. But our lives are made for struggles like this so we can be stronger in the end.
That's how I feel about this whole getting-out-of-debt process. I just want it to be over and done with NOW. But I need to struggle with it and chip it away little by little so I can be stronger in the end and will never find myself in this situation again.
I'm struggling and chipping away at this debt and even though this lesson totally does work for me and applies to me, I would still be completely okay if it was done with NOW (smile).
In a perfect world - maybe. As we all very well know, this isn't a perfect world and I absolutely do not live a perfect life. So here's to struggling a lot and getting stronger every day!
Good lesson. I think that applies to a lot of areas in life. I have yet to jump on the "Lost" bandwagon, although I might have to. I've watched a couple eps with my roommate but I'm totally lost on what's going on so I may be joining you on the wagon.
Wow- I am so impressed that you could take something from Lost & apply it to helping you with debt...
I don't remember that part at all. But it's been a few years. Great thoughts though!
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